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The issue of printing difficulties on packaging bags


Recently, the issue of printing difficulties on packaging bags has attracted widespread attention. It is understood that there are nine colors that are considered the most difficult to print on packaging bags, which has caused headaches for many manufacturers and printing companies. So, what are these nine colors and how to deal with them?

First, let's take a look at what the nine most difficult colors to print are. According to industry experts, these colors include gold, silver, white, black, red, dark blue, dark green, dark purple and dark yellow. These colors are considered the most difficult choices when printing packaging bags because of their particularity or contrast.

So, in the face of these nine difficult colors, how should manufacturers and printing companies deal with them? Experts have proposed some solutions in the hope of helping these companies overcome printing difficulties.

First, for gold and silver, experts recommend using special gold and silver inks and ensuring that the temperature and humidity of the printing press are well controlled to ensure the fullness and brightness of the color. In addition, choosing high-quality printing equipment and consumables is also an important factor in ensuring printing results.

For white and black, experts recommend avoiding pure white or pure black as much as possible, but choosing a slightly gray or dark gray blending color, which can reduce ink leakage and ink haloing during printing and improve printing quality.

As for red, dark blue, dark green, dark purple and dark yellow, experts recommend making color standards and confirming samples before printing to ensure color accuracy and consistency. In addition, adjusting the ink density and printing speed of the printing press is also the key to ensuring the printing effect of these colors.

In addition to technical processing, experts also emphasized the importance of close cooperation and communication between teams. Manufacturers, designers, printing companies and printing equipment suppliers should maintain good communication and cooperation to jointly solve printing problems and ensure that the final printing effect meets customer requirements.

In general, in the face of printing problems on packaging bags, manufacturers and printing companies need to have the courage to face difficulties and innovative thinking, and continue to learn and improve printing technology to improve printing quality and customer satisfaction. I believe that with the continuous advancement of technology and the accumulation of experience, these nine most difficult colors to print will no longer be a problem, but a bright color in the printing industry.

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